10 Positive Things About ADHD You Can Be Proud Of

Looking at the Positive Things About ADHD

Most of what we read about having adult ADHD focuses on the negative impacts. We glance at lists and peer at infographics, every single one of them extolling the many disadvantages and the myriad woes, but rarely do we see the other side.

To put this another way, the downsides of ADHD are like Hollywood superstars compared to the positives. The positive things about ADHD get the same billing as the extras – no flash and no flair.

These are the unlucky actors who have to pretend that investigating the weird sound coming from the cellar of the deserted house in the middle of the woods is a good idea.

In other words, if your part does not end up on the cutting room floor, then your character is usually the first one to meet a grisly end.

I don’t believe this is fair and I want to change it. So, here are 10 of my favorite positive things about ADHD.

Our Highly Creativity and Imagination

I have a vast, untapped creativity source and because of it, I’ll never be bored. My brain can make up the most vivid stories simply by being awake and looking at something for longer than five minutes.

Give me an empty bathroom, a solitary person standing outside, or an empty coffee maker and it’s on. Instead of an ordinary everyday coffee maker, it magically becomes (ha-ha!) a Jinn’s coffeemaker and every cup is an adventure! Into something or somewhere and getting there is the fun (or the horror) of it all.

Having the power of making stories that ache to be told is pretty cool. I just have to remember that not all of my stories should be told aloud, or even at all. Use your own judgment.

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Fast Insight and Observation

We can see patterns that others might not see so quickly. We are quick to find any discrepancies, contradictions, and mismatches and just as quick to point them out. Be careful who you confide in with this valuable information.

You might find someone else taking credit for the work you did or, getting the stink eye for a less-than-attractive flaw that you brought to light. Tread carefully here, as any superhero will tell you; with great observation comes possible chaos and pain.

'Thinking Outside of the Box' Problem Solving Skills

We can be awesome problem solvers, probably because we can think outside the box as easily as we walk through open doors.

Giving us a problem to mull over is like giving a kid his candy of choice. We will happily pick apart and analyze any possible ramifications that might follow each action for hours.

A Hyperfocus That Helps You Get Things Done

Immediate immunity to almost any type of distraction that’s tossed at you, hyperfocus is like having superpower force field around you, because nothing short of a microwave blowing up can even hope to compete for your attention. I happen to love it.

Not to be confused with selective hearing, the difference between the two is that with selective hearing, you will come to that point when you can no longer ignore your other half, child, boss, or in-law talking to (at) you. Nevertheless, with ADHD hyperfocus, you really don’t hear them until they’ve lost patience and begun screeching threats that involve body parts you’re particularly fond of.

Our Curiosity Makes Us Want to Learn More

Our supply of curiosity can be inexhaustible. We are always seeking to learn more. We want to know the why or what makes something the way it is, and what makes or breaks it. It can be as endearing as listening to a two-year-old (or so I’ve been told) but I count never wanting to stop learning as a pro, not a con.

Multi-Tasking Like Nobody Else Can

Need I say more? I can put on my makeup in a car – with a stick shift, no less – while holding a conversation with my son about the importance of mathematics and why he needs to study harder. OK, so the car is in neutral but it still counts, right?

We're Energetic Both Physically and Mentally

We can be highly energetic, even if that doesn’t always include our physical bodies. If I could get my body to do half the workout that my brain does on an hourly basis, I would be a bikini babe and have all sorts of admirers but sadly, that is not in the cards for me.

We Can Adapt to Situations Quickly

Fast paced is our speed. Be it in day-to-day life or our choice of career, fast beats slow all day long. We can thrive in a changing job environment. Not always, but we can normally find a way, as boredom is our nemesis. Change keeps our brains happy.

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We Have the People-Person Qualities

It’s true that we can be very charismatic and likely will never be accused of being a bore, but we also tend to be intuitive and can read the emotional weather, too. Knowing how another is feeling has helped me more times than I can count. It’s one of my most favorite ADHD things.

A Great Sense of Humor

I love my sense of humor. Being quick and witty has saved my bacon on a number of occasions when I ignored the little warning voice in my head and gave in to my impulses to tell my sister that her butt did look big, that my other half’s decision to shave completely bald wasn't attractive, etc.

Therefore, my ability to quickly regroup and re-evaluate the situation, make a U-turn into the ludicrous and absurd and get the laugh instead of the insult are lifesavers. Especially when the person is larger than you are. And because physical agility was left out of my stock package.

So you have ADHD. So what? It’s not all bad. We have so much to teach others about ADHD – especially the positive things about ADHD.

What are some of your favorite things your ADHD has gifted you?

Next page: Seven more positive things about ADHD, including hyperfocus, curiosity, and more. 

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