Should I Homeschool My ADHD Child?
Some decisions in life are simple. These situations are great, but they come too few and far between. Unfortunately, the majority of life’s dilemmas are not black and white. Instead, there are endless shades of grey that force you to weigh the pros and cons of the situation while factoring in possible outcomes.
The decision to homeschool your child with ADHD is a tough one. Over the years, you have been increasingly frustrated, confused, and saddened by the way school has gone for your child. You thought that the ADHD diagnosis would improve your ability to navigate the school system, but to this point, success has been limited.
Homeschooling is a bold move, with major implications for you and your child. Consider these pros and cons to aid in your decision-making:
Pro: Education Tailored to Your Child
All children learn at different rates with individual strengths and weaknesses. Kids with ADHD are no different. If the choice is homeschool, you can create a curriculum based on your child’s needs, interests, likes and dislikes.
You can move education from sitting inside all day to a more engaging, interactive learning experience that plays into the positives associated with ADHD. Many resources exist to aid in your direction of education, so that you do not have to feel alone in your journey.
Con: Having Total Responsibility of Your Child's Education
Some people perform well under pressure, while others struggle. Many people see the responsibility of homeschooling as an overwhelming obligation that is too much to handle, especially since your child may not relate to common practices due to the ADHD symptoms.
If your child is struggling to learn the material, you could find yourself with more frustration and more uncertainty about how to proceed. This could lead you to make education a lesser part of the daily routine and fall into other bad habits. When thinking about homeschooling, consider your abilities in the short-term and the long-term. If you are worried that the novelty will wear off and the responsibility will be too great, reconsider your choice.
Pro: Avoid Negative Influences at School
The bus, the classroom, and the playground are areas that can expose your child to messages, behaviors, and words you do not appreciate. With ADHD, your child might be more impulsive in repeating or engaging in these unwanted behaviors and words. Whether it's learning obscenities or about sexual issues, you would prefer to have more control over the influences that confront your child.
Beyond the influences is the direct result of bullying and teasing in the school setting. Homeschooling may be seen as a hugely positive choice if you can limit the emotionally and physically abusive behaviors of the other children towards your child.