Top 10 NLO|ADHD Articles of 2015

Little girl frowning

10. How to Recognize ADHD in Toddlers

ADHD in toddlers and babies is not “technically" diagnosable. However, there are early signs that many clinicians believe may lead to ADHD in childhood, writes Dr. Robert Reynolds.

9. Acupressure and Acupuncture for ADHD

Have you considered acupuncture for ADHD treatment? Many people find acupuncture a valuable addition to their ADHD treatment plan.

8. Keeping a Routine With ADHD

By practicing healthy habits on a regular basis, like keeping a good household chore schedule or following a routine, you can help to manage your symptoms.

7. ADHD and Bullying

Children with ADHD are more vulnerable to both being bullied and becoming bullies themselves. What should you do as a parent?

6. Gaining Control Over Mood Swings and Outbursts

Attention deficit disorders and volatile emotions go hand in hand. Just like hyperactivity, people with ADHD find that they lose emotional control suddenly and often, which can make daily life even more challenging.

5. Herbal Remedies for ADHD

Some people who have ADHD benefit dramatically from the use of medications, but pharmaceuticals are not for everyone. For many, herbal remedies are an important part of living well with ADHD.

4. Why ADHD Often Leads to Suicide

Telling a child with ADHD he has a disorder and throwing medication at his symptoms is dangerous and can lead to depression and suicide, writes Kevin.

3. What Not to Say to Someone With ADHD

I know just how much it burns when people say certain things – things that can be very damaging to our sense of self-worth, shame and confidence. Here are a few key examples of what not to say to an adult with ADHD.

2. Tired of ADHD Fatigue?

When you think about ADHD fatigue is probably the last thing you'd think about, yet fatigue is a common symptom of ADHD that can make daily living difficult for those who suffer from it.

1. Is ADHD a Disorder? The Danger of Labels

"Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; by simply putting the word ‘disorder’ in the name, you are destroying a child. You’re labeling them as different, and adding to the social anxiety that already comes with ADHD," writes Kevin.

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