How ADHD Fuels Depression
ADHD is something sufferers deal with their whole lives, and it can go hand-in-hand with depression.
View the video above to learn how Annie deals with depression and ADHD, or read the text below.
Side effects of ADHD can make people feel like they can't accomplish anything, which can lead to depression.
It's already hard to function when your mind and thoughts are scattered, but adding depression can make ADHDers feel hopeless.
Annie's Coping Tips
Talk to a friend you can trust. If you're feeling in a slump, get all those feelings off of your chest.
Try talk therapy with a professional — let it all out. When you bottle those feelings, it's just going to make you spiral down even more.
Learn to be organized and make lists and keep planners. Look up tutorials on how to stay organized, how to keep a planner, how to just get your life in the right direction to cut out that little bit of extra stress you don't need.