How ADHD Causes Anxiety
Did you know there’s a connection between ADHD and anxiety? Let's look at things you can do in your everyday life to help overcome some of the struggles that come with it.
Watch the video above to see how Annie copes with ADHD and anxiety, or read the text below.
It seems a lot of people with ADHD have a hard time with their organizational skills; for me, this led to me constantly missing and/or turning assignments in late. Back then I think they just thought I was lazy — they didn't realize that I just could not focus.
When you're feeling anxious, you're not thinking clearly. That just adds to the distracted, forgetfulness of ADHD.
How to Cope
My first tip is to meditate. This sounds a little crazy if you have ADHD, but the more you do it, the easier it is for you to learn to let those thoughts go, and it's going to calm your anxiety.
Eat healthy. What you put in your body really affects your hormonal balance.
Read self-help books. Self-help books can guide you into having more positive and productive mindset.
Learn to be more disciplined with yourself. If you feel your mind wandering or that tension in your stomach from anxiety, just remind yourself that this is your life, you are in control, and you want more for yourself.