Positive Things About ADHD
Most discussion of ADHD focuses on the challenges it presents, but there are also many positive aspects to living with ADHD.
Watch the video above for a positive spin on life with ADHD, or read the written summary below.
1. Creativity and Imagination
An ADHD brain is a boundless source of creativity, and we’ll never be bored because of it.
2. Insight and Observation
We see patterns, discrepancies and contradictions that others miss.
3. Problem Solving
We can think outside the box as easily as we walk through open doors, and that makes us excellent problem solvers.
4. Hyperfocus
Hyperfocus is essentially immunity to almost any distraction.
5. Curiosity
We have an inexhaustible supply of curiosity and are always seeking to learn more.
6. Adaptability
Change keeps our brains happy and staves off boredom, and as a result we’re often very adaptable.
7. People-Person Qualities
We tend to be intuitive and can read the emotional weather, which is helpful in all kinds of situations.
8. Sense of Humor
Being quick, witty and funny are wonderful qualities to have, and especially useful for getting your foot out of your mouth.