How to Study More Effectively with ADHD

ADHD Study Tips

It can be a major challenge for students with ADHD to stay focused and study. In addition, some students with this disorder may have poor short-term memory. It is difficult for students with ADHD to complete anything perceived as boring or demanding. They are able to engage in tasks they find interesting, in fact they tend to hyper-focus on tasks they truly like. However, in tasks that are tedious, their attention can be easily distracted by outside sources. Procrastination is universal for people with ADHD, which can cause problems with succeeding in school.

Overcoming Obstacles with ADHD

Every person with ADHD is unique, and different things work for different people. The key finding which technique works best to succeed in studies. A person with the disorder needs to use trial and error to determine what works best for him/her. Below are some ADHD study tips to try:

  • Use a planner. There are many planners you can use, such as a paper planner or the calendar on your phone or computer. It helps to know when things are due and keeps assignments and other tasks organized. You need to be diligent and put your tasks into your planner as soon as you know the due dates. If you schedule in a time to do a term paper, you should allow enough time to actually complete it the task.
  • Break things up. You can break the task up if it seems daunting. You can schedule a few time slots to complete the task in piecemeal parts. If you have a ten-page term paper to complete, for example, schedule three to four “appointments" in which to complete it. You can devote your first appointment to research, write the draft the second appointment, and so on. Try to start a large task a week in advance to allow enough time to complete the task.
  • Utilize any study tools that work for you. There a variety of study tools that work of different students. Flash cards, re-writing notes, or participating in a study group are ways to reinforce the information you’ve learned. Some ADHD students need to move around while they study; find a study tool that will allow you to do so. Using a variety of techniques that target visual, auditory, and hands-on learning works wonderfully for many students.
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  • Reward yourself. Many people can be motivated by a reward system. You can do this for yourself by setting up a task to be completed. You should select a reward, like going to see a movie. Doing this helps make you accountable; you may want to enlist the help of a family member or friend to ensure you complete your task as well.
  • Be realistic. Don’t overload yourself by taking on too much, like taking several challenging classes in a semester, for example. Dealing with heavy reading and extensive homework tends to overwhelm students with ADHD. Don’t set yourself up for failure; you may struggle to pat attention in class and study less effectively.
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